About Program.
This program is designed to create mental, physical & emotional
well-being in the workspace, both in-person and online.
Each lesson focuses on creating space in mind & body through a series of traditional Tai Chi exercises.
Our goal is to create a calmer, grounded, and clearer work environment. Dissolving barriers between colleagues and clients, allowing for communication and ideas to flourish.

Our Goals working with you.
To promote mental health and well-being within the workspace.
To remove blockages between colleagues & clients.
To create space mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Instilling a calm, grounded & clear demeanour within the team.
Learning how to release under pressure.
What happens in a session?
Body Opening exercises, creating space physically & mentally.
Grounding exercises, learning how to release tension through the body, this will help create a sense of calm and stability.
Tai Chi exercises developing harmony between mind and body, and coordination of the upper and lower body.
Qi Gong breathing exercises, focusing on removing blockages within the breath. Allowing the breath to reside lower in the body.